Our Mission

We will lead our community to ensure that anyone who needs a healthy meal can get one.

Pagans in Need was founded initially in southeast Michigan to provide for coven and circle members who were food insecure. Eventually, this mission expanded to all folks in need, no matter their faith, religion, or creed.

Pagans in Need now serves the people with three Michigan locations across central and southeast Michigan. Every site provides food and toiletries for everyone who needs them, with no sermon required.

As pagans, hospitality, and generosity are part of our sacred work. We believe that relationship is critical, and giving to those in need is part of building sacred relationships with our communities.

Non-Discrimination Policy

All persons seeking access to services, employment, volunteer work, or membership on a committee or governing body of Pagans In Need Food Bank will be accorded equal treatment, regardless of age, ancestry, color, creed, disabled veteran, marital status, national origin, qualified disabled individual, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation.