How to Donate Food

At the Pagans In Need Food Pantry, we believe that hunger starves the human spirit and that communities thrive when people have access to healthy, nourishing food. When you donate to Pagans In Need Food Pantry, you are helping the one in five of our neighbors across the State of Michigan who struggle to put enough food on the table.

  • Canned tuna, chicken, or salmon
  • Peanut butter
  • Meals in a can (soup, stew, chili)
  • Low-sodium canned vegetables
  • Canned fruit in its own juice or water
  • Olive or canola oil
  • Spices (cinnamon, chili powder, cumin, salt-free spice blends)
  • Canned foods with pop-top lids
  • Low-sugar whole grain cereals
  • Healthy snacks (granola bars, nuts, dried fruit)
  • Please avoid items packed in glass.

We request that you do not donate bulk quantities of rice, flour, or sugar. Although we appreciate and can utilize every donation we receive, the Food Pantry does not have the repackaging facilities needed to distribute such items correctly. Please contact the Donor Relations Team for more details.